- favorite website of almost half a million women in Bulgaria
- over 11 years on the Bulgarian online space
- dynamic, entertaining, provocative, covers 360 degrees of the life of new generation confident and ambitious women
- for women with high expectations, which ask questions and want to find the answers
- with fully original materials, unique and of great value - with more than 65.2 thousand articles and news
- useful and specific information of great value for every woman who needs it
- Monthly unique visitors: 500 thousand
- Average daily unique visitors: 35.9 thousand
- Monthly page views: 6 million
- Registered visitors: 83.6 thousand
- Newsletter subscribers: 55.6 thousand
- Facebook fans: 59.6 thousand
Demographic profile
- 92% completed secondary or university education
- 60% live in Sofia and the big cities
- 83% shop online